Chris Malburg is a widely published author, with over 4 million words published in 26 popular business books and four novels. Simon & Schuster, Putnam, Wiley and McGraw Hill all publish Chris' work which is consumed in most western countries. After Stanford Writers School, Chris began the fun side of his career. He has crossed the chasm into fiction with his second new adult book, Slider. Chris is known for his meticulous research of the material presented in his books. Slider is anothe example. While preparing this book Chris spent a season with the Peninsula High Panthers baseball team.
I didn't start out as a writer. But I became one as soon as I could. Truth is I'm a CPA, have an MBA and was a partner at a very nice investment banking firm in Los Angeles. But...by then I had written a number of finance books and magazine articles. I wondered what it would be like creating a novel from whole cloth. I wanted to find out. So I joined a writers group and began taking writing classes. Fast forward to now: Five novels. If I could do anything in the world, it would be this. Thank you my readers.